Traders & Barbarians

Two captured barbarians are worth one victory point, but a single barbarian initially has no value for a player. In a combination with Cities & Knights or The Fishermen of Catan, this means that whenever you can play cards (Master Merchant and Wedding) against the leading player(s), they are not affected by it if a single captured barbarian provides them with half a virtual point more than you.

Traders & Barbarians

His owner places him on the next free path.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians

The conquered settlement still exists. The trade route is interrupted, that is, only the road segments or the ships count toward the Longest Trade Route. However, the ship and the road segment adjacent to the settlement are not “open.”

Traders & Barbarians

The knights remain at their current hex. Furthermore, they may immediately intervene in the next battle if there are more knights than barbarians at an adjacent hex.

Traders & Barbarians

After each battle, you immediately determine which knights didn't withstand the battle. A knight wounded in a battle can't participate in another battle.

Traders & Barbarians

No. First you have to move all knights, then all the battles take place.

Traders & Barbarians

No. Barbarians may only be placed on coastal hexes.

Traders & Barbarians

A knight placed at the castle hex must be moved immediately; to do this, however, you have to wait until the end of your turn. You can move your knights after you have finished trading and/or building. Knights you just placed at the castle hex must be moved.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians
  • If you use the Mayfair edition: You reveal an Event Card and additionally roll the event die. The red die is shown on the event card.


  • If you use the German edition: You reveal an Event Card and additionally roll the red die and the event die.
Traders & Barbarians

Instead of revealing an Event Card, play the Alchemist. Determine a production number. Determine the result shown by the red die. Only roll the event die.

If all participants in a game want to agree on a different procedure, they certainly are free to do so. If, in addition to the Alchemist, you would like to reveal an event card, we recommend that after playing the Alchemist you first determine the production number, then resolve the result of the event die roll, then draw an event card (of which only the event is resolved, provided that an event is described on it), and lastly distribute the resources. Please note that this is only a variant, not the official rule.

Traders & Barbarians

No. It’s either the Alchemist or an Event Card.

If all participants in a game want to agree on a different procedure, they certainly are free to do so. If, in addition to the Alchemist, you would like to reveal an event card, we recommend that after playing the Alchemist you first determine the production number, then resolve the result of the event die roll, then draw an event card (of which only the event is resolved, provided that an event is described on it), and lastly distribute the resources. Please note that this is only a variant, not the official rule.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians

The robber is placed beside the game board, where he waits for his next mission – that is, until a “7” is rolled or a Knight card is played.

Traders & Barbarians

Yes. You can’t continue building roads though.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians

Yes, provided that you place the bridge adjacent to an intact road or adjacent to a settlement.

Traders & Barbarians

If only your damaged road connects to an intersection, you may not build a settlement there. However, you may build a settlement if one of your other, intact roads or one of your ships also borders on this intersection.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians

First the event is resolved, then the production is distributed.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians

No. The neutral players never receive gold.

Traders & Barbarians

Yes, provided that you have just built a bridge yourself. However, if you can’t build a bridge for a neutral player you can build a road instead.

Traders & Barbarians

No. Only visible victory points are considered.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians
  • If your opponent has only one card, you may take it from him, but you must give him back two cards.


  • If your opponent has no card, he cannot trade with you, not even by force.
Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians

On the discard pile.

Traders & Barbarians

A German edition of Traders & Barbarians with wooden game components is not programmed. However, you can order a set of matching wooden game components at the Catan Shop.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians

You can find information on possible combinations on the CATAN website - please click here.

Traders & Barbarians

After a victory over the barbarians, one of the involved players rolls a die and places it in the center of the castle hex. Each of the six edges of the castle hex is marked with a different die roll result. The number rolled determines one of the three possible “orientation” pairs of paths adjacent to the castle hex: the path adjacent to the edge marked with the number rolled and the path adjacent to the edge on the opposite side.

Check each knight involved in the victory. If the path that the knight is on has the same orientation as one of the two paths on the castle hex determined by the die roll, remove that knight from the board.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians

Yes. An edge between a terrain hex and water is also regarded as a “path.”

Traders & Barbarians

Yes, provided that the last camel you placed faces a free intersection at the oasis hex.

Traders & Barbarians

Yes. Fish do not count as resources.

Traders & Barbarians

Yes, because this does not block any hex.

Traders & Barbarians

No. Only visible victory points are considered.

Traders & Barbarians

Yes, if you place your last settlement adjacent to a fishing ground tile you receive a fish token.

Traders & Barbarians

No. Although the owner of the old boot needs one victory point more to win the game, this token doesn’t affect the number of victory points he owns.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians

You may perform various actions with fish tokens, but you have to pay for each action individually – meaning that sometimes you'll probably overpay.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians

No, you must draw from the face-down fish token supply.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians

No. Only visible victory points are considered.

Traders & Barbarians

Yes. However, this will happen only in very rare cases.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians

Yes, provided that you'd be allowed to build a ship there if the line didn’t exist.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians

No. This was only allowed in the 2005 giveaway edition. 

Note: More information on the game can be found in the Ludography.

Traders & Barbarians

Yes. Otherwise, it would be too easy to build the Great Wall.

Traders & Barbarians

No. You only re-roll the two production dice.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians

Yes. When you move a wagon, it doesn’t matter whether you move it along a closed or an open trade route.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians

No. You must immediately use the movement points you have bought.

Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians


Traders & Barbarians

You may use the movement points of your wagon once more. If you want to move on, you must pay grain again.