For all customer service related inquiries about our games, please check out the service section of this page.
Responsible for the Content
Schulgasse 43
64380 Rossdorf
Tel: +49 (0) 6154 6289824
USt-ID: DE 222501949 / HRB8557 Darmstadt
Steuernummer: Finanzamt Darmstadt 0723003996
Represented by Guido Teuber, Benjamin Teuber and Claudia Teuber
Design and Main Layout
- Interone GmbH (interone.de)
- Michael Menzel (illustrations)
This site is maintained by Schalk & Friends.
All texts and materials, the source code and title as well as registered names such as CATAN, Settlers of CATAN, and Prof. Easy published on this website are copyright and/or trademark protected. Any copying or adoption without written permission by the respective right holder(s) is strictly forbidden. For further information on this matter, please follow this link to our IP policy.
CATAN GmbH would like to thank KOSMOS and CATAN Studio for the financial and content support in creating these pages.