Barbarian Invasion - In case of a Barbarian Invasion, can I lose the gold in the Treasure Vault?

Barbarians & Traders


Note: The Treasure Vault belongs to the theme set "Trade & Change", which is part of the Catan Card Game – Expansion Set. More information on the games can be found in the Ludography.

Barbarian Invasion - The “starting road” on which the explanations regarding the die roll events are printed – does it also count?

Barbarians & Traders


Barbarian Invasion - What does the following mean: “If you have more Units than the barbarian strength, you are victorious”? Only the strength points count in the case of Units!

Barbarians & Traders

Here, quantity is more important that quality: only the number of Units matter for the Barbarian Invasion, not their strength points.

Barbarian Stronghold - Do I have to pay gold for defense cards too?

Barbarians & Traders
  • If you are the active player: yes - e.g. for Scout and Feeding of the Poor


  • If you are the passive player: no - e.g. for the Bishop.


Note: The Feeding of the Poor action card belongs to the Artisans & Benefactors Expansion Set. On the card, the card is classified as "neutrel", this is an error. The card belongs to the class "Defense". More information on the games can be found in the Ludography.

Barbarian Stronghold - Who receives the gold I have to discard?

Barbarians & Traders


Baroc the Mercenary - If I own Baroc, do I also get ore during the first two rounds when the Brigand Attack is rolled?

Barbarians & Traders


Campaign Against the Barbarians - On the German card, the word “Trade” in “(Trade) Fleet” is enclosed in brackets – why?

Barbarians & Traders

This is short for “All Fleets including the Trade Fleets.”

Note: This isn't written on the English version of the Card.

Campaign Against the Barbarians - Which Fleets does the Campaign Against the Barbarians refer to?

Barbarians & Traders

To all of them.

Christopher the Great Explorer - Can I trade resources that are not located directly adjacent to the selected Trade Fleet?

Barbarians & Traders


Christopher the Great Explorer - How many times can I use Christopher’s function on my turn?

Barbarians & Traders

As many times as you can and want.

Cloth Merchant’s Residence - Can I only get two resources of the same type via the Cloth Merchant’s Residence?

Barbarians & Traders

The resources you discard must be of the same type; the resources you receive can be of the same type or different types.

Colony Outpost - Do I lose the gold also in case I’m defeated when the Barbarian Invasion occurs?

Barbarians & Traders


Colony Outpost - Does Flavo also change places if I only have gold at my Colony Outpost?

Barbarians & Traders


Colony Outpost - Dose the Colony Outpost also receive gold if I rotate the region adjacent to the Year of Plenty to the next higher gold value?

Barbarians & Traders


Colony Outpost - If my opponent attacks or a Brigand Attack occurs, does the gold on the Colony Outpost count as a regular resource?

Barbarians & Traders

Only in case of a Barbarian Invasion.

Colony Outpost - What can I do with the Colony Outpost’s gold?

Barbarians & Traders

You can use the gold for actions that either require the possession of gold or for which you have to pay gold. However, you are not allowed to move it around within your own principality.

Dogma - Can I place a Dogma on a Building that already carries a Witch?

Barbarians & Traders

No. You could have played the Witch only if you already owned a Citadel - but if you own a Citadel, you no longer can play a Dogma.

Note: The Citadels and Witches belong to the theme set "Wizards & Dragons". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.

Dogma - Can I place a Dogma on a Secret Society that imitates a Library, Church, or University?

Barbarians & Traders

No. You may only place it directly on the Buildings listed on the card.

Dogma - Can I place a Witch on a Building that already carries a Dogma?

Barbarians & Traders

Yes. You definitely may first play a Dogma and then build a Citadel and use the latter to play a Witch.

Note: The Citadels and Witches belong to the theme set "Wizards & Dragons". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.

Dogma - In what order do I remove a Dogma and a Witch that are placed on the same Building?

Barbarians & Traders

That depends on which player is the first one to roll a “?”.

  • The Dogma is removed as soon as the player who played it rolls a “?”.


  • The Witch is removed as soon as the owner of the Building with the Witch rolls a “?”.

In each case, the respective other card remains on the Building.

Note: Witches belong to the theme set "Wizards & Dragons". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.

Eryn the Druid - Can I play Eryn if Buildings in my principality are carrying Witches or Dogmas, and I thus have less victory points?

Barbarians & Traders


Note: The Witches belong to the theme set "Wizards & Dragons". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.

Eryn the Druid - Can I play Eryn if my Abbey carries a Witch or Pawnbroker?

Barbarians & Traders

No. (Attention: In the rulebook this is stated wrong.)

Note: The Witches belong to the theme set "Wizards & Dragons", the Pawnbroker belongs to the theme sets "Trade & Change". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.

Flagship - Does the Flagship also protect a Pirate Fleet from other Pirate Fleets?

Barbarians & Traders


Note: The Pirate Fleets belong to the theme sets "Knights & Merchant" and "Science & Progress". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.

Flagship - If I have a Smithy, does the Flagship receive an additional victory point?

Barbarians & Traders


Flavo the Fool - Can I get Flavo by paying one gold I received via the Archdiocese?

Barbarians & Traders

Yes, if you have received the gold before it is checked whether Flavo changes over or not.

Note: The Archdiocese belongs to the theme sets "Politics & Intrigue". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.

Flavo the Fool - Can I get Flavo if I receive one gold as a result of the Production Die roll?

Barbarians & Traders

No. In this case, it has already been checked - before you receive the gold - whether Flavo changes over or not.

Flavo the Fool - Can I get Flavo if I win the tournament and take one gold as a reward?

Barbarians & Traders

Yes. In this case, you receive the gold before it is checked whether Flavo changes over or not.

Flavo the Fool - Can I move Flavo to a building site for a Metropolis above or below a region?

Barbarians & Traders

Yes. In this case, Flavo only affects one region.

Note: The Metropolis belongs to the theme set "Politics & Intrigue". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.

Flavo the Fool - Can I take over Flavo if I only have gold at my Colony Outpost?

Barbarians & Traders

Yes. It is a building action for which the Colony Outpost’s gold can be used.

Flavo the Fool - Can I take over Flavo if I only have gold in my Treasure Vault?

Barbarians & Traders

No. The other gold stored in the Treasure Vault must be transferred to a Mountain stream before.

Note: The Treasure Vault belongs to the theme sets "Trade & Change". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.

Flavo the Fool - Can I use the Horse Farm to move Flavo?

Barbarians & Traders

No, because Flavo is not a Knight.

Note: The Horse Farm belongs to the theme set "Trade & Change". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.

Flavo the Fool - Do both regions adjacent to Flavo receive one resource each, even if none of the two numbers was rolled? Or does only an adjacent region whose number is rolled receive a resource?

Barbarians & Traders

The regions adjacent to Flavo receive one resource each if they have room for it. The number rolled with the production die is irrelevant.

Flavo the Fool - Do I receive the two resources for Flavo also if my game partner wins the tournament?

Barbarians & Traders


Flavo the Fool - In what order are the consequences of the Event Die roll result resolved if Flavo has been placed?

Barbarians & Traders
  1. The player with the most tournament points selects any one resource of his choice and adjusts the corresponding region accordingly.
  2. Each region directly adjacent to Flavo receives one resource.
  3. Flavo changes over to the other player if the requirements are met.

Flavo the Fool - Who determines where to place Flavo when he changes over?

Barbarians & Traders

The player who discards him.

Fortunate Trade Voyage - When I receive gold, can I also use it to replenish the gold supplies of a Colony Outpost?

Barbarians & Traders


How many cards belong to „Barbarians & Traders“?

Barbarians & Traders


In order to build buildings, do I need a regular Harbor or the Large Harbor or both?

Barbarians & Traders

The only one that counts is the regular Harbor from the base game. It is included in the new "Barbarians & Traders" set as well.

Johanna the Warrior-Maiden - Do I have to remove Johanna when I build a Citadel?

Barbarians & Traders


Note: The Citadels belong to the theme set "Wizards & Dragons". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.

Master Merchant’s Guildhall - If, during one and the same turn, my opponent repeatedly trades the same resource with the bank, do I receive a resource each time?

Barbarians & Traders


Merchant Outpost - Do I receive two resources if my opponent has a Production Building?

Barbarians & Traders


Merchant Outpost - If the production roll increases the number of commerce points of my game partner’s Trade Academy, do I lose my Merchant Outpost before it earns me one resource?

Barbarians & Traders

No. It still earns you one resource before it is removed.

Note: The Trade Academy belongs to the theme sets "Science & Progress". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.

Merchant Outpost - Is the resource I receive taken from my opponent?

Barbarians & Traders


Merchant Outpost - Where does my Merchant Outpost go if my opponent plays the Arsonist to burn it down?

Barbarians & Traders

To your hand of cards.

Merchants’ Residences (general) - Can I really build the Residences for free?

Barbarians & Traders

Yes. You only have to meet the requirements for building them.

Merchants’ Residences (general) - Do I have to rotate the commodities back to “zero” after the special action is performed?

Barbarians & Traders


Merchants’ Residences (general) - Do the ore, lumber, and wool for trading have to come from regions adjacent to the Residences, in order for these regions to become activated?

Barbarians & Traders


Merchants’ Residences (general) - In case a Residence is burnt down, are its commodities (coins, etc.) lost too?

Barbarians & Traders


Merchants’ Residences (general) - Is a city required for building a Residence?

Barbarians & Traders

Yes, because a city is required for building the Harbor you must own.

Merchants’ Residences (general) - What is meant by “activation”?

Barbarians & Traders

“Activation” always means a 90 degree rotation.

Old Wisdom - If I play the Old Wisdom, which cards can I take from the discard pile?

Barbarians & Traders

Any but Building Cards.

Paper Merchant’s Residence - Do I receive the additional resource for the Paper Merchant’s Residence before or after the dice roll?

Barbarians & Traders

After the dice roll and after distribution of the production resources and, if applicable, of the event resources – and only if you are the active player.

Scribes Offices - Can I draw a card on each turn or only once, when building the Scribes Offices?

Barbarians & Traders

You can do so on each of your turns, including the one during which you built the Scribes Offices.

Scribes Offices - Let’s assume that after playing, for example, an Alchemist I have two cards left in my hand, and after activating the Scribes Offices I have three cards again. Can I perform another card exchange at the end of the turn?

Barbarians & Traders


Sigmund the Sea Hero - Can I play Sigmund if there is no Fleet in the discard pile?

Barbarians & Traders


Sigmund the Sea Hero - Can I use Sigmund to later get back a Trade Fleet captured by a Pirate Fleet if both players combined haven’t reached seven victory points yet?

Barbarians & Traders


Superstition - Who gets the resources I lose?

Barbarians & Traders

Nobody. They are removed from the game.

Treasure Fleet - Can I conquer my game partner’s Treasure Fleet by means of a Pirate Fleet?

Barbarians & Traders

No. Your Pirate Fleet always sends a Fleet of your game partner to the discard pile – not to you.

Note: The Pirate Fleets belong to the theme sets "Knights & Merchant" and "Science & Progress". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.

Triumphal Arch - Can I play the Arsonist to burn down the Triumphal Arch if a Witch is placed on it?

Barbarians & Traders


Note: The Witches belong to the theme set "Wizards & Dragons". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.

Triumphal Arch - How many victory points is the Triumphal Arch worth when it is built?

Barbarians & Traders


Why are there cards in the "Barbarians & Traders" expansion that have already bin in the “Tournament Cards 2002″ set? Can I still use the old cards?

Barbarians & Traders

The “Tournament Cards 2002″ set was only developed for the Card Game Tournament in 2002. Most of those cards (some revised) are now part of "Barbarians & Traders".

Wizards Alliance - Can Action Cards that require two Wizards be played with one Wizard and one Wizards Alliance or with two Wizards Alliances?

Barbarians & Traders


Wizards Alliance - Can I build a Wizards Alliance without having my own Citadel?

Barbarians & Traders


Wizards Alliance - Can I link a Wizards Alliance to a Wizards Alliance of my game partner instead of linking it to one of his Wizards?

Barbarians & Traders


Wizards Alliance - Does a single Wizards Alliance also increase the value of a Citadel to two victory points?

Barbarians & Traders


Wizards Alliance - Does my Wizards Alliance continue to work if the “linked” Wizard of my opponent is removed?

Barbarians & Traders


Wizards Alliance - How does the Wizards Alliance work?

Barbarians & Traders

The Wizards’ Alliance is almost like a normal Wizard. It can, therefore, do everything your Wizards can do. It differs from your other Wizards because of the fact that it is “multiple” – that is, up to four Wizards’ Alliances can be placed – and that it starts without Magic Power.

Note: To use the Wizards’ Alliance, you need the theme set "Wizards & Dragons". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.

Wizards Alliance - If I play the Expanded Basic Game with Wizards and Dragons, can I add the two Wizards Alliances from Barbarians and Traders?

Barbarians & Traders

The Wizards’ Alliances are primarily meant to be used in the Tournament Game. But if your game partner agrees, you can also use the cards in the Expanded Basic Game with "Wizards & Dragons". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.