CATAN Logik Rätsel Header
CATAN Logik Rätsel Header
Stand-alone Game

CATAN - Logic Puzzle

With five chapters, forty puzzles, and four levels of increasing difficulty, the CATAN Logic Puzzle offers hours of mind-engaging fun for families and adults. 

CATAN Logic Puzzle Box
40 Puzzles

About the Game

In the CATAN Logic Puzzle, players use logic, organization, and critical thinking skills to discover paths to prosperity as they connect mines, farms, and lumber camps to settlements and cities around the island. Trade routes must wind through terrain, avoid obstacles and (of course) avoid the dreaded robber!

With five chapters, forty puzzles, and four levels of increasing difficulty, the CATAN Logic Puzzle offers hours of mind-engaging fun for families and adults. Its emblematic hexagonal case holds all the pieces and cards, making it a perfect travel companion.

The CATAN Logic Puzzle is a solo-player puzzle for ages 8 and up.

It includes: 

  • one storage case with built-in playing board,
  • 40 puzzle cards,
  • 33 resource pieces, and
  • a rule book
CATAN Logik Rätsel Spielmaterial
YouTube Video

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Downloads for the Game

CATAN Logik Puzzle