Conquest - May I conquer a city if en route to it there is another city that hasn't been conquered yet?

Struggle for Rome


Conquest - Starting from a city I just conquered, may I conquer more cities on the same turn?

Struggle for Rome


Development Cards - How many development cards may I play on my turn?

Struggle for Rome

Three at most: one development card each in the phases “Trading and Building,” “Horseman Tribe Actions,” and “Warrior Tribe Actions.”

Development Cards - I already played three development cards on my turn. Now an opponent and I have reached ten victory points each. May I still reveal a “Treasure of the Burgundy” development card to receive seven gold and thus win the game?

Struggle for Rome

Yes, because the game doesn’t end in a particular phase of the game.

Development Cards - May I buy a development card for four gold, thus replacing a cattle card with three gold?

Struggle for Rome

Yes. Even though gold is already included in the building costs, you may use additional gold to replace the resource.

Development Cards - May I reveal victory point cards even if they don't allow me to reach ten points?

Struggle for Rome

Victory point cards that allow you to win are not revealed until the end of the game.

Development Cards - May I use a Diplomacy card to place the legionnaire northeast of the Limes?

Struggle for Rome


No. The legionnaire may never be placed northeast of the Limes.

Development Cards - May I use a Traitor card to plunder or conquer various cities via the same tribe during a turn?

Struggle for Rome


Development Cards - When may I play which development card?

Struggle for Rome

That is either a result of the respective situation during the game, or it is written on a card:

  • Traitor: Played in the event of plunder or conquest.


  • Diplomat: Played during the building phase.


  • Treasures: Played either immediately or at the end of the game.


  • Great Warrior: Played according to the phase of the game.

Gold - If I trade three gold for one resource, do I have to draw a resource card face down?

Struggle for Rome

No. You pay three gold instead of paying a resource card. Therefore, the resource card itself doesn’t appear during the building procedure.

Gold - May I trade gold with my opponents?

Struggle for Rome


Plunder - I plundered a city for which I was supposed to get a development card. But the development card stack is already depleted. What do I get?

Struggle for Rome

Well, you know: “The devil take the hindmost.” But it’s not all that bad, because in this case you get at least two gold – and, of course, the gold your supply wagons can’t carry away.

Plunder - May I use the Traitor card to plunder or conquer a city with two towers if I have no warriors/horsemen in my tribe box?

Struggle for Rome
  • Plunder: Yes.


  • Conquer: It is the first city conquered by this tribe, so you place the tribe waiting in front of the city wall on the city, together with a supply wagon from the tribe's box. Later in the game this will no longer be possible, because then conquering will require you to remove a warrior from your tribe's box.

Roll for Resource Production - Do the four markers with crosses remain on the numbers after the four dice rolls, or do I have to remove them before the turn continues?

Struggle for Rome

That’s up to you. Given that leaving the markers in place helps you to recall information already available to everyone, we'd recommend that you leave the markers where they are. This helps avoid situations where a player bugs his opponents by repeatedly asking which numbers were rolled.

Trade - Do horses and cattle count as the same resource in a 3:1 trade?

Struggle for Rome

No. Horses and cattle are different resources.

Variants - Can “Struggle for Rome” be played as a 2-player game?

Struggle for Rome

Yes. In this case, it is recommendable to place neutral game pieces on two cities per province, that is, on a total of 20 cities (including the ones marked with “III”).

Wandering - After I have crossed a sea arrow, may I continue to penetrate into the interior of the land for free if I don’t use a path with a land arrow?

Struggle for Rome

Yes, because only the arrows between starting and ending point count.

Wandering - If my only reason for not performing any action is the fact that I neither have wandering tribes nor enough troops to expand my kingdom, do I still receive one resource card or two gold?

Struggle for Rome


Yes. The rule doesn’t ask you about your motive for your inactivity.

Wandering - May I pay for the first arrow and cross the second one for free?

Struggle for Rome


No. Only the first arrow is free of charge, not any arrow you choose.