Assembly Hall - Do I select several cards from the same stack or from different stacks?
It’s up to you.
Assembly Hall - How many cards can I select for free?
Any card, until you have reached your hand limit.
Building Crane - Do I have to build the Building Crane in the same city where the University is?
Building Crane - Does the Building Crane have an effect on buildings in other cities?
Building Crane - Does the Building Crane reduce the building costs of the cities themselves?
Cannon - Can a Cannon be attacked by The Black Knight?
Cannon - Can I build two Cannons?
Embassy - When I build the Embassy, does my opponent also have to show me the cards in his hand?
No, only the cards he is drawing.
Embassy - Which of the cards my opponent has drawn does he have to show me?
All of them.
Fire Brigade - Can I play the Arsonist against a Fire Brigade that carries a Witch or Pawnbroker?
Note: All mentioned cards are part of the Catan Card Game, which can be found in the Ludography.
Fire Brigade - Does the Fire Brigade also protect Region Improvements and Road Improvements?
Note: Region Improvements and Road Improvements are part of the CATAN Card Game, which can be found in the Ludography.
Great Wall - What is the combined effect of Great Wall and Watch Tower?
The Spy runs his head against the wall: he has no effect and ends up on the discard pile.
Note: The Watch Tower belongs to the theme set "Knights & Merchants". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.
Land Reform - Can I arrange the regions so that they match my Production Buildings?
Pirate Fleet - I built a Pirate Fleet and selected a Fleet of my game partner. My game partner plays Sigmund against it. Can I select another Fleet?
Note: Sigmund the Sea Hero belongs to the theme set "Barbarian & Traders". All expansions of the CATAN Card Game can be found in the Ludography.
Pirate Fleet - Is it only when building a Pirate Fleet that I can destroy a Fleet from my opponent, or can I do this later too?
Only when building it.
Pirate Fleet - To sink another Fleet, can I remove the Pirate Fleet and rebuild it immediately?
No. A removed Pirate fleet goes to the discard pile, meaning that it cannot be rebuilt immediately.
Pirate Fleet - When the Year of Plenty is rolled, do I receive the gold for the Pirate Fleet in addition to the resource of my choice, or do I only get the gold?
You receive the gold from the Pirate Fleet in addition.
Pirate Fleet - Which Fleets can I destroy with a Pirate Fleet?
Trade Fleets, Pirate Fleets, and Treasure Fleets.
Pirate Fleet - Who determines which Fleet is destroyed by the Pirate Fleet?
The player who builds the Pirate Fleet.
University - If I have lost the University through an Arsonist or if a Witch is placed on it, can I play Action Cards that require a University?