All units featuring strengths points.
The Arsonist can burn down every building located in cities, settlements and metropolises, no matter if it is a settlement/city expansion or city expansion.
No. If he prevails, the Arsonist no longer has an effect, which is why it doesn't matter whether or not a Fire Brigade protects the buildings.
Yes, if the foreign cards are in settlements/cities.
Note: Foreign cards belong to the Age of Darkness and Age of Enlightenment expansions.
No. The Arsonist only plays with fire in the context of buildings.
No. If the removed building costs more than the new building you have built, you don't receive gold.
No. The new building replaces the removed building and thus must be placed at the location of the removed building.
If you remove a building, you are not allowed to build the same building again.
No, even after removing the building the requirement for building it must still be met.
Yes. In this case, you determine both die roll results.
Note: The Grove of Justice belongs to the Age of Enlightenment expansion.
Yes. In this case, you determine both die roll results.
Note: The Grove of Justice belongs to the Age of Enlightenment expansion.
No. First you play Brigitta, then you roll the event die.
Yes. However, the affected player has the opportunity to remove another unit that features strength points.
No. The city including the settlement is worth two victory points.
Note: Prince/Princess and Mercenaries belong to the Age of Enlightenment expansion, Caravel and Ship Builder belong to of the Age of Darkness expansion.
No. To be able to use the Drill Ground, it must stay where it is until the hero is placed. The Drill Ground can only be removed after the hero has been placed.
No, but region expansions and road complements can't be attacked by an Arsonist anyway.
Note: Road complements belong to the Age of Darkness and Age of Enlightenment expansions.
The cards are placed under matching stacks, which may involve either one or two stacks. If the cards are from the Introductory Game and the Theme Game (in the Theme Game or the Duel) or from different Theme Sets (in the Duel), they must be placed under different stacks.
If you lose two cards from your hand due to Fraternal Feuds, you may not replace them until the end of your own turn - unless you have a Pilgrimage Site. When you are the active player, however, you can take advantage of all opportunities that would provide your hand with more cards during your turn.
Note: The Pilgrimage Site belongs to the Age of Darkness expansion.
Each time you receive gold, it is up to you whether you want to store it in your gold fields or in the Gold Cache.
If you have a Gold Cache, you may store the gold you receive in a gold field or in the Gold Cache. If - as in this case - the gold field is filled to capacity, you only have the Gold Cache to store gold in.
Let me ask you something in return: "If your wallet is full, may your purse still accommodate the money you receive afterwards?"
The Gold Cache in an extraordinary site, and Plagues only affect regions adjacent to cities. Therefore, since the Gold Cache is not a region, events that affect regions can't make you lose the gold stored in the Gold Cache. On the other hand, however, you can't use cards that affect regions - such as the *Large Trade Ship* card - to take something away from a Gold Cache, and you also won't obtain any gold from it via events that affect regions.
No, the Gold Cache in an "extraordinary" site and thus cannot be selected when a Feud is drawn.
Only if the other region expansion can be placed adjacent to the region where the Gold Cache is located.
Note: More region expansions are part of the Age of Darkness and Age of Enlightenment expansions.
In the Gold Cache, you may store all the gold received by means of the production die roll, event die roll, actions, or trade. However, gold that is already placed on regions may not be stored in the Gold Cache.
You can only store newly received gold in the Gold Cache, not gold that you have received before.
In the Gold Cache, you can store all the gold you received by means of the production roll, events, actions, or trade. Gold already stored in gold fields cannot be transferred.
No, even though they are in exiled in the discard pile, the Prince or Princess belong to the player who owns the discard pile.
Note: Prince and Princess belong to the Age of Enlightenment expansion.
Yes and no. You may take Brigitta the Wise Woman, but you're not allowed to play Guido before rolling the dice. Therefore, you must keep Brigitta in your hand until you may roll the dice again.
You may take any one card of your choice.
Each trade ship is still only worth one commerce point. The Harbor doesn't earn the trade ships another commerce point - that is the Salt Silo's function.
You may remove the Hedge Tavern and build it again. This, however, will not prevent the opponent from building a Hedge Tavern, because in the Theme Game a removed Hedge Tavern is placed face up again.
No, Irmgard only has an effect if your own cards in your own principality are concerned.
Note: Cards that your opponent may build in your principality belong to the Age of Darkness and Age of Enlightenment expansions.
No. If Irmgard herself is removed, you do not receive a resource.
No, you only receive a resource if your opponent performs an action that results in the removal of one of your cards.
Note: Heroes that can be used like action cards belong to the Age of Darkness expansion.
No, because Wolfgang changes sides due to the fact that you use his function.
Note: Wolfgang the Street Performer belongs to the Age of Darkness expansion.
You only receive one resource, i.e., for the missionized heroine. For one thing, the loss of the Tavern is a secondary effect, and for another, the Tavern is in the opponent's principality. Irmgard, however, only compensates you if you lose one of your own expansions in your own principality due to direct effects.
Note: The Missionary card and the Red Light Tavern belong to the Age of Darkness expansion.
Like all the other heroes, Irmgard is unique.
Yes. Two city expansions located in the same city and on the same side of the road are equal with regard to their effect on the regions adjacent to them.
If the "Calm Sea" event occurs, you receive any one resource of your choice for each Large Trade Ship placed in your principality. If the "Storm" event occurs, your Large Trade Ship is also affected.
Note: Capricious Sea belongs to the Age of Darkness expansion.
The two don't combine at all. If you play Hergild the Master Merchant, the exchange rate for a resource you have a trade ship for increases. The Large Trade Ship isn't associated with any resource type and may not be used when Hergild is played.
Note: Hergild the Master Merchant belongs to the Age of Darkness expansion.
In combination with three trade ships, the Harbor receives a victory point. In this context, it doesn't matter whether large or "common" trade ships are involved.
The Lighthouse increases the exchange rate to 1:1 and protects you from the Storm ("Capricious Sea" event card).
Note: Lighthouse and Capricious Sea belong to the Age of Darkness expansion.
In combination with a Salt Silo, each trade ship in the same principality is worth two commerce points. In this context, it doesn't matter whether large or "common" trade ships are involved.
No. Each trade performed via the Large Trade Ship is a trade with the bank.
You trade exclusively with the bank.
If you receive gold, you can always store it in the Gold Cache.
The Marketplace belongs to the phase where the production die result is resolved.
No. In all cases where you can decide which resources to give the opponent, you may only choose resources the opponent can store in his regions or in the Gold Cache.
The player who has to hand over the resources. The player who receives them only determines the resource type.
You may remove the Merchant Guild and build it again. This, however, will not prevent the opponent from building a Merchant Guild, because in the Theme Game a removed Merchant Guild is placed face up again.
Note: Grove of Justice and Court Astrologer belong to the Age of Enlightenment expansion.
No, you receive the two resources instead of the one resource.
You receive the gold for the Pirate Ship in addition to the resource.
Only when you build the Pirate Ship.
Of course you may remove your Pirate Ship. Afterwards, however, you put it on the discard pile and not back into your hand!
If you place a Pirate Ship in your principality, you immediately destroy a trade ship of your opponent if he has one. However, your opponent chooses which of his trade ships he wants to sink. He'll probably want to destroy the ship that trades the scarce resource.
The player who must sink one of his ships may choose which one he wants to place on the discard pile.
Note: Metropolises belong to the Age of Darkness and Age of Enlightenment expansions.
The card may also be placed on the 2nd building site.
You only receive one resource.
No, but it is advisable.
No, the two building projects take place separately.
Only by means of the Wainwright.
Note: The Wainwright belongs to the Age of Darkness expansion.
Yes. However, once you have decided where to place the regions, you no longer may change their positions.
That way, it is guaranteed that even when building the last settlement without the help of the Scout there is still some randomness involved upon receiving the regions.
No. The consequences are not resolved until both players have chosen a unit.
It's your choice whether you want to pay gold or remove a unit.
Units without commerce points or strength points are always protected from Riots and can never lose this protection. For units with commerce points or strength points you may pay one gold or, if you have more than two of these units, two gold. The following cards protect potentially threatened units from Riots:
- Chapel: Protects all affected units if either a "1", "2", or "3" or a "4", "5", or "6" is rolled with the production die. If the player has both Chapels, his units are always protected, no matter which number is rolled with the production die.
- Sebastian the Itinerant Preacher: You may play Sebastian in reaction to Riots. In this case, all your units are protected from these Riots.
- Public Feeling: If you pay one star, the event doesn't affect you.
Note: The Public Feeling card belongs to the Age of Enlightenment expansion.
First, the active player pays gold or places one of his units under a stack. Afterwards, the passive player pays gold or places one of his units under a stack.
Then only one player loses a unit and the other one doesn't.
No, trades with the bank are only possible during the action phase.
No. The total number of buildable settlements/cities (Metropolises, settlements, and cities) is limited to nine.
Note: Metropolises belong to the Age of Enlightenment and Age of Darkness expansions.
There is no rule that would prohibit a player to expand his principality up to the 7th settlement. It is definitely allowed to use this tactic.
No, it only protects against the "Brigand Attack" event.
Yes, provided that you have room for them.
No, you only receive grain or wool when you build the Tithe Barn.
Four, provided that you can store them in your regions or Gold Cache.
You receive the gold in addition to the resource.
No. You may only exchange one card at the end of your turn, and you only may choose a card in exchange for a card you have placed under a draw stack. Only if you have Odin's Fountain, you may exchange two cards.
Note: Odin's Fountain belongs to the Age of Darkness expansion.
Yes. In this case, you only take one resource from your opponent.
Yes. In this case, you only get this one resource.
No. In combination with a Salt Silo, each trade ship is worth another victory point. In this context, it doesn't matter which city the Salt Silo is located in.
No. A player may trade with the bank only during his action phase. Furthermore, the possibility of trading with the opponent has been eliminated, because in a 2-player game this kind of trade is usually unfavorable for the passive player.
Only if the card may be placed free of charge anyway.
No. A failed Traitor of your opponent has no effect on you.
Only in the Theme Game and the Duel - not in the Tournament Game.
Only if you have a Pilgrimage Site. Otherwise, you may not replenish your hand until the end of your next turn.
Note: The Pilgrimage Site belongs to the Age of Darkness expansion.
Yes, provided that by doing so you don't violate another rule.
Everything that also happens with cards you have received in a different way.
You have to show all your cards.
Now it is possible again.
You may remove the University and build it again. This, however, will not prevent the opponent from building a University, because in the Theme Game a removed University is placed face up again.
Special cards are cards which, on occasions such as the annual game fair in Essen/Germany, are published in honor of people who contributed to the success of the CATAN games. These cards do not belong to the regular card pool, and both players or, if applicable, the organizers of a tournament must agree to include these cards in the game. The cards have been published at first in German only. Some of them can be now purchased in English language via the CATAN Shop.
To date, the following cards have been published:
Axel, der Erneuerer (Axel the Innovator), published in 2010 for the Theme Game "The Era of Gold," the Duel of the Princes, and the Tournament Game:
Remove a building. Replace it with another building and pay the difference of the building costs in gold. Observe the building rules! -
Johannes, der Advokat (Johannes the Advocate), published in 2011 for the Theme Game "The Era of Merchant Princes," the Duel of the Princes, and the Tournament Game:
If you lose resources due to an action card played by your opponent, you may pay one gold and roll the die. 1-3: Demand one resource from your opponent; if he leads, you may demand another one from him. 4, 5: You get your gold back. -
Catan Mobil, published in Spring 2012 especially for the Introductory Game, the Duel of the Princes and the Tournament Game:
If the production number of an adjacent region is rolled, you receive one additional resource in that region. Afterwards, place the Catan Mobil on another empty building site - if need be, on one of your opponent's empty building sites. If there is no empty building site, place the Catan Mobil on the discard pile (on your own discard pile). -
Carol, die Spieleerklärerin (Carol the Game Teacher), published spring 2012 especially for the Introductory Game, the Duel of the Princes, and the Tournament Game:
At the beginning of the game, place this card in your principality. Once during your opponent's turn: If you can answer one of his rule questions, you both receive one resource, indicated by a region adjacent to Carol.
Note: This card isn't available at the CATAN Shop. -
Alexander und Sebastian, die Buchhalter (Alexander and Sebastian, the Bookkeepers), published fall 2012 for the Theme Game "The Era of Prosperity," the Duel of the Princes, and the Tournament Game:
Your treasures have been recounted in your favor. If you are in the lead, immediately take any one resource of your choice, otherwise take any two resources. Requires: Prince or Princess. -
Gavin, der Sprachkundige (Gavin the Polyglot), published fall 2013 for the Introductory Game and all other Games:
1x during your turn: You may exchange one resource from a region where you have three resources for any one different resource of your choice.
Yes. A new event card is revealed.
No. The program adds the Yule automatically.
No. You assemble the event card stack as you did at the beginning of the game.
No. The game may only be played with one Yule.