You put the exploration tiles back into the box.
Each time a player receives resources or ingredients, he may decide whether he wants to accept them or partially or entirely reject them.
The space belongs to the same terrain type as the exploration tile placed on it (or, in a game with fewer than four players, as the exploration tile potentially placed on it).
Spaces adjacent to the river have to be considered either as “river” or as terrain the river runs through.
As far as explorations are concerned, the village belongs to the river in the grassland.
You may use only one bonus at the end of your exploration.
Yes, as long as you still have endurance, you may perform the bonus movement if the requirements for it are met.
No; he who has no endurance to walk is not allowed to party either.
Yes, that’s allowed.
If you pass a turn, your endurance is immediately set to “4.”
No, you only have a bonus movement if you have endurance.
Yes; even though you fail a test, you don’t have to move your adventurer figure back.
In the village – which isn’t even close to a corner – you always can choose between both open paths. Remember that another adventurer figure is not an obstacle: various adventurer figures may be placed together on the same space.
You put the exploration tiles back into the box.
Yes; there is no way to “store” victory points.
If you still can move, you must move; you may only rest in the village.
No, the test and reaching the space your goal token is on are two separate events.
No, only the goal marked with a goal token may be revealed.
Because this is intended to guarantee a fast-paced game. Just imagine that nothing special occurs on the way back - then you can also skip the way back.
No, once you’ve placed it, you can’t change its position!!
You may trade at any time during an exploration.
Yes. Only the spaces the goal tokens are on are taboo. Since there is no competition in the camps, various goal tokens may be placed on them.
No, each column can be filled from top to bottom, independently of the other columns.
Special victory points are always awarded immediately.
No, you are not allowed to move the experience markers on the character board.
No. If a player lands on an exploration tile whose equipment he already has, he receives an experience point instead, which he can use to improve one of his character's traits (Strength, Prowess, Agility, and Charisma). Nobody is allowed to have two of the same type of equipment.
No, either you trade or you pass your turn.
Adventure cards whose adventure a player failed to complete remain where they are, and the player or his opponents may try to complete the corresponding adventure at a later moment. In other words, there is no discard pile for adventures a player failed to complete.
You may go in the direction of the question mark, but you won’t have an adventure.
They help with the sorting process, so that the players face more simple adventures first and more challenging ones towards the end of the game.
Place it on the space that depicts a sword, a shield, and three cards (below the wish lists).
The size is supposed to create a 3D perspective.
A player who reaches his goal ends his turn.
Yes, that's allowed.
No, you can only be hexed once.
First you declare that you want to pass a test; only then may your opponent shout “Hex” before your die roll. As a result, you'll fail the test without having rolled the die, but you may move onto the space your goal token is on.
Yes. You must decide to use Brigitta’s potion before you roll the die, not when you move onto the space.
No, he can continue to decide freely, except that he may not “waste” his herbs on other things.
No, in this case the cube doesn’t count as a victory point cube but as a marker.
No, first you must have completed the previously reserved adventure.
No, you may only reserve adventures you have a chance to complete.
Yes, they may; in this very rare case the 4th player has simply bad luck.
No, but the player may not start another adventure, and he must use his herbs to get mead.
No, you’re already receiving something more valuable.
Only face-up adventure cards can be reserved.
A player may only move in the direction of the question mark if he is able to complete the adventure.
The winner is the winner, no matter what – but if it makes you happy, then you'll receive all the victory points you are able to earn with your last action.
The first player to meet the requirements receives the special victory point.