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New Rule for the 5-6 Player Extensions

August 2, 2021

A few weeks ago we announced the release of the 5-6 player extension on CATAN Universe, which implemented a new rule that replaces the previous “special build phase”. According to the new rule, there are always 2 players participating in a turn. Maybe the new rule sounds familiar to you? It was first introduced in the “CATAN – Starfarers” extension for 5-6 players.

With the available pdf for download, you can now play the new rule also with your analog games. You can download the instructions and the required game material for the new rule below. These instructions give you the opportunity to play the new rule for 5-6 players that officially replaces the previous “special build phase” of the 5-6 player extensions of the CATAN series.

The new rule applies to the CATAN base game and to all extensions for its expansions:

CATAN – Seafarers
CATAN – Cities & Knights

CATAN – Traders & Barbarians
CATAN – Explorers & Pirates

All important information, instructions and the required game material are available for download here:

We wish you a lot of fun with the new rule!