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First CATAN Escape Room opens in Frankfurt, Germany

May 22, 2019

This evening, CATAN celebrated the grand opening of the world's first Catan Escape Room in Frankfurt, Germany.

CATAN creator Klaus Teuber was on hand to cut the ribbon and play the first game.

Together with his son Benjamin he congratulated Nina Windisch (Creative Director) und Hakan Avci (CEO) of into games GmbH for creating this exiting experience together with their brilliant constructing team.

Passionate CATAN players will notice that the trader plays a central role and the room also cites the CATAN extension "Cities and Knights". And of course, the various landscapes and the well-known raw materials wood, ore, clay, grain and wool can not be missing.

CATAN Escape Room Eröffnung
Escape Room Eröffnung Teuber
Escape Room Eröffnung Band

Fotos: © André Grohe