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EXIT - The Game - Adventures on Catan is released in Q2 2025

15. März 2023

Times are rough and life in your village is getting harder than you ever imagined it could be. One day, sailors tell you about the beautiful and fertile island of Catan. The people speak with admiration about the lush vegetation and the variety of resources. Hoping for better times, you set off with a few friends to explore this new world and settle down there.
What will await you? Will you manage to steer the fortunes together and build a new life in a foreign land?

Your exciting adventure begins when you set off for Catan.

Adventure on Catan appears in the well-known EXIT® – The Game series and is a gripping adventure for curious puzzle enthusiasts aged 10 and over. 

The English language edition is expected to be published by THAMES & KOSMOS in June 2025. Pre-Order is already available.




EXIT - Adventures on Catan Box